CEO's message

Mr. George De Das
Education is not learning the facts, but the training of the mind to think.”-Albert Einstein
Yes, at Manappuram Geetha Ravi Public school, we are redefining School education, preparing the children for the unforeseen future. A study by Oxford Martin School says that by 2030,30% of the jobs in the world are not that exist today. There is no point in mugging up textbooks because in the 21st century you will get all information very easily on Google with two or three clicks. We are preparing our students mentally, physically, and emotionally to face the challenges of tomorrow. We are not teaching them what to think, we are teaching them how to think because in the world of tomorrow it is going to be far more important for them to deal with unfamiliar information that they could not prepare in advance. what we need is not a well-filled mind full of facts and figures but a well-formed mind.
The learning process at Manappuram Geetha Ravi Public school is being started with the Montessori method and is slowly integrating into the CBSE stream. Along with the curriculum we are providing Robotics, Digital library, Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths labs, and all types of extracurricular activities to bring about the hidden talents in every child and to promote each child in their field of interest.
Manappuram Geetha Ravi Public school is on its way to fulfilling the dream of our managing trustee, Mr.V.P.Nandakumar, to provide the best possible education facilities to the children of the coastal villages, which is his homeland.
I am sure that, in the coming years we will see our children at the helm of affairs in their field of excellence, making you proud that you send your children to Manappuram Geetha Ravi Public school.